What are fears and what is their basis?
Fear is something that exists in all/ most human beings. The reason it exists is because Fear is a PROJECTION of the human Ego, which is unfortunately very rampant and a big part of the human consciousness. The reality is that being a Projection, fear is mostly imaginary and a reflection of some long term patterns and wrongful thinking in our psyche, induced and influenced by society, families, religions, leaders etc.
The two main causes of Fear:
First, the fear that certain conditions might change and we dont want that as it makes us feel unsafe. So fear that we may lose a job, a relationship or get a disease.
Second, Fear enters us when we are afraid to make a decision – Making decisions involves taking responsibility as well as dealing with the consequences of our actions, which may or may not be favourable. This is the reason, why so many people end up in relationships or organizations that are so controlling. They would rather someone else make the decisions for them, then stand up and make a decision themselves.
Fear is also associated with self- doubt, guilt, anger, jealousy, hatred, which are all disguised forms of fear where one projects their insecurities either on self, or outwards.
Fear in its full fury, is the most devastating of all feelings, because it paralyzes us, making us incapable of moving or changing. It is an extreme unwillingness to make decisions, coupled with a strong desire to control ones circumstances to the extent that any other scenario apart from what we imagine to be rightful, seems like a mountainous load of overwhelm.
Been there before? So when in the midst of the grip of Fear, what can we do to change the situation?
The very first thing that is required is the use of our greatest gift Free Will. We have to make a decision a decision to change the situation as we see it and confront the fear that is paralyzing us. Making a decision requires an act of will, which has to come from within us. It cannot be imposed.
The problem with fear is that it paralyzes us so much that it quells our will power. It insists we take the easiest way out. This is why the biggest challenge for most people is making decisions. Making decisions requires one to take responsibility and complete ownership for the decision, which can be very empowering but most people fear that. So they find ways as to not make decisions.
The next question then is How do we act on our will when the fear is choking the life out of our will power?
There is only one way out and it is that you have to confront your fears, head on. What happens when we are in fear is that our attention is so focused on the condition that is causing us fear, that we cant really see that the cause of our fear is not that condition. The fear exists in our psyche and is a construct of all the false premises of reality which our Ego/ conditioned self has created. We believe that if we cure the condition that is causing us fear, the fear will go away. That is far from the truth and another clever Ego construct. If there is anything, and I mean anything, that causes us fear, it means there is an element of our psyche that needs to be looked at. (By ourselves). The fear has nothing to do with the outside condition or that which we believe is the cause of fear.
Lets take a common example the fear associated with the loss of a job. Most people have this fear, as they believe that their life and livelihood depends on the job even though many people are so miserable in their jobs. The fact that a job, fulfils certain needs, is not all together untrue, as yes the work does provide security and material comfort. The reality is that this particular job is not our only option available. We can create and change our options and ways of meeting our material needs in a variety of different ways. We can find an alternative job, start a business on our own, take some time to travel, be with our family and then go back to finding a new job. But all these very rational options seem like completely wild suggestions in our moment of fear. So no matter how miserable we are in the job, we are not willing to make an effort to change, as losing that job will mean losing certainties of some sort. In an effort to hold on to certainty, we prevent our own growth and creative drive from flourishing.
If you had perfect trust and faith in yourself, or God that no matter what, you have the capability of ensuring that your material needs are met, you will no longer feel the need to hold on to something that obviously is making you miserable and preventing your growth, be it a job or a relationship.
The closest thing to fear is uncertainty most people are afraid that they might lose their job, or a relationship, or get a disease. The truth is that when you actually look at the fear, you realize that there is nothing there. It is a vacuum and this giant rock on our shoulders is self- created. So for many of us, who have been without a job, or a partner at some point, – we did manage to face the condition and most of us came out on the other side stronger than before. When you are forced to face the condition that causes fear, the uncertainty is over and you come into an acceptance of the inevitability of the condition, and the fear gets instantly dissolved.
Fear drives you to want to control situations, people, society, even the whole planet. The most powerful people (in a negative sense) on earth had such a strong desire to control because deep within, they were abysmally insecure. The drive to seek power out of a need to control springs from fear which is centred in Ego. Of course, this is not real power. Real power is the ability to control only yourself, allowing everyone else perfect freedom, while maintaining perfect peace of mind, no matter what the outer circumstances. When no external condition can shake your sense of self then we know we have arrived at our own Authentic Power.
How does raising your consciousness come into this?
Like we said earlier, confronting our fears requires an act of will but paradoxically, fear usurps our will power. So we need to take a step back and start working on our emotional bodies which is where much of the stress and fear resides and look to clean them out. This cleaning out, raises our vibration level, at which point the facing of the fears becomes less challenging. Until we are controlled by our emotional body, the ability to face our fears is greatly diminished. Emotions are the driver of our will power and actions. Emotions are Energy in motion. They give us the push to take an action. If our emotions are burdened by all the illusions created by our egos, we cannot move.
What happens when we work regularly on raising our consciousness or our vibration, our ability to look at the fears is greatly enhanced. Increasing our vibration, diminishes the sense of overwhelm, that makes us run from our fears and it provides us the drive to take action.
The 5 Steps to confronting your fears:
- Recognize that you have fear. Take ownership of the fear as only then, do you have the power to give it away.
- Acknowledge and understand that you are not the fear, you are more than the fear. Separate the fear from yourself.
- Separate the Cause of Fear from the fear itself. See that the real cause of fear is the psychological condition not the external physical condition.
- Use a spiritual technique, to transform the negative emotions into positive ones. Work to lift your vibration frequency. There are a myriad of spiritual techniques available to us at this point, try a few and regularize the one that makes you feel good and lifts you up.
- Uncover and demolish the beliefs behind the fears, which is the false premise that is in your psyche that is the real cause of the fear. Realize that this cause, is actually an illusion and has no real basis to it and then dismiss it.
Need some help confronting your fears, write in to me for a consultation.
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