Step into authentic feminine power

(Feminine Leadership prices start at SGD 350/Hr)

Feminine leadership is an approach for leading and living, that is cognizant of the two different polarities that exist in the world – the yin and yang, the masculine and feminine. Existence of all of life can be understood through the energy flow between these two polarities.

Feminine leadership then is a term that defines a balanced use of these two polarities rather than a preference. For too long the world and the capitalistic structures have been dominated by a masculine and patriarchal style of leading.

Feminine leadership is a term that defines a balanced use of these two polarities rather than a preference. For too long the world and the capitalistic structures have been dominated by a masculine and patriarchal style of leading. This meant an over focus on masculine leadership values such as individualism, ambition, achievement, hard work, commitment, and an under focus on feminine leadership values such as self-care, community, collaboration, empathy, flow, and creativity. Feminine leadership is softer and more relationship oriented. It is a shift from individualistic gain to communal gain, from self-centred ness to a sharing. To bring the world into balance, we need an over focus on feminine leadership in these times.

My mission is to enable women to step into their full power, by understanding, utilizing and potentializing their feminine essence.

For too long women have been taught to believe that to succeed in the corporate world, we had to become like the men – more assertive, more aggressive, more ambitious. The result – overworked, angry, burnt-out women leaders.

We women changemakers cannot change the world by trying to be like men. We can change the world by first and foremost taking ownership of and standing in integrity with what being a woman means. We need to understand our own essence and live in alignment with that, vs trying to be something or someone we are not. Authenticity, an understanding of who we are, also includes the understanding of what being born in a woman’s body means, and how that is different from being born in a man’s body. Our bodies and our brains are wired somewhat differently. It is in understanding and accepting this can we seek to change the world. By trying to be like the men, the CEOs of the past era, we are doing a disservice and disregarding the wisdom and love that is the feminine way.

It is with this purpose in mind, I have launched a coaching that is essentially for women – to start thinking and operating differently, so we can inspire authentic long-term change to the world systems and orders.

While this style of leadership coaching is not restricted to women, in this page I would like to lay out what women can expect to gain from using a coaching approach that is based on the principles of feminine leadership

What limits women leaders?

Feminine leadership

Wanting to do
it all, be all

Feminine leadership


Feminine leadership

Trying to be
one of the men

Feminine leadership


Feminine leadership

Syndrome/ Self doubt

Feminine leadership

Lack of
self esteem

Feminine leadership

Greater tendency
to burn out

What will we cover in feminine leadership coaching?

  • Understanding your own authentic self – your values and strengths
  • Understanding the polarities – masculine and feminine and what each of them brings to life
  • Differentiating between positive and toxic masculine and feminine values
  • Recognizing your own dominant polarities and potential places of imbalance
  • Taking ownership of your feminine essence / power
  • Strategies and tools to navigate feminine challenges in the workplace 

Benefits of Feminine Leadership Coaching for individuals

  • Enable and empower the women workforce
  • Freedom from masculine and patriarchal conditioning
  • Build healthy esteem by taking ownership of your authentic self, and your feminine essence
  • Let go of limiting beliefs, behaviours, and attitudes
  • Unlock your full potential by learning to manage your energy body
  • Learn the magic of emotional regulation and transmutation

Benefits of Feminine Leadership Coaching for Organizations

  • Greater balance in the energy of the organization
  • Higher employee and women workforce engagement
  • Increased collaboration and community
  • Better all-round relationships
  • Unleashing of discretionary energy of women leaders
  • Improved financial performance
  • Mentoring and coaching as ways of leading

If you or your organization would like to find out more about our Feminine Leadership Coaching which can be delivered one to one or in groups, please reach out to us here or book an introductory call here

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