Building Cultures that Thrive

Values are the energetic drivers of our personal motivations and aspirations, and supremely important to understand for individuals, leaders and organizations.

In short, they are truly the growth drivers, the pull that motivates us on a day-to-day basis. Taken in an organizational context, you will be surprised to find out how  clarity, and actions taken based upon the organizational and employee values, will lead to better performance, higher productivity and thriving cultures.

Values: Good or bad?

Values  transcend a context, and are often universal. Beliefs divide but values unite.  Does that mean all values are good? Not necessarily. Positive values in an organization are reflected in levels of trust, personal accountability or creativity.

On the flip side, an organization can be plagued by “potentially limiting”  values of bureaucracy or lack of autonomy. The purpose of Values Driven Cultures Coaching is to identify the right values, shape these values and align them with the overall organizational goals.

What makes Values-Driven Cultures so successful?

Our values reflect our needs and aspirations. Our values define what is most important to us in a given moment, and when not met they create distress in a person’s inner and emotional state of being.  Often managers, leaders or supervisors have anxieties due to their unmet emotional needs such as more recognition or more respect. These unmet needs cause distress for the individual, and dysfunction in an organization. Organizations with Values-Driven Cultures are successfully able to align needs and values of their leaders, who eventually impart the same knowledge to their subordinates. This results in harmony and emotional well-being of the employees, and a cultural transformation that leads to achievement of organizational goals.

How will Values Driven Cultures programme help you?

Jasrin and her team understand that vibrant cultures cannot be developed unless the leaders care about the well-being of their employees. Her team works closely with the organizational leadership team and helps them identify actionable insights into the employees’ strengths and well-being and how leaders can lead by example by living the values they are aiming at.

# Needs, motivations and core values alignment

We will help your leaders and the organization establish and align the values of your employees/ leaders with the CORE values that are needed to implement your  organizational vision, as well as your strategic and business goals. We will also measure where current gaps between expected and enacted values are, by doing a full Cultural Values Assessment. The core values of an organisation should do three things:

1. Meet the needs of employees,
2. Meet the needs of the organisation,
3. Meet the needs of other stakeholders, such as customers, investors, the local communities in which the organisation operates and society at large.

Core values should also be able to express the unique characteristic or function of the organisation.

# Determining and resolving the Cultural Entropy percentage

The amount of energy consumed in doing unproductive work makes up the Cultural Entropy percentage.Cultural entropy occurs because of the prevalence of “potentially limiting” values such as bureaucracy, fear and control in an organization. We will coach leaders, managers and supervisors, such that they can willingly choose to move away from these “potentially limiting”  values, and implement empowering ones such as care, trust and efficiency instead.

# Determining and resolving Leadership Personal Entropy scores

The fear-driven energy that a person expresses in daily interactions is called Personal Entropy. Leaders might display this in behaviours such as excessive control, micro management, favouritism and  lack of trust. The Values Driven Cultures Programme will address the root causes of fear based behaviours in leaders, and replace them with more empowering behaviours and values such as trust, empathy, accountability and fairness.

# Create High Levels of Employee Engagement

Organizations with High Employee Engagement, are 78% more productive and 40% more profitable, than those with low employee engagement (Source: AON Hewitt) Employee engagement is a measure of the degree of emotional and intellectual involvement that employees have with an organisation. This has a direct impact on the amount of enthusiasm and commitment they bring to their work. Engaged employees devote a high level of discretionary energy to whatever they are doing. They are willing to go the extra mile to get a job done on time and frequently put forward suggestions about how to improve performance. Engaged employees want the company to be successful and feel a sense of pride in being part of that success .High Cultural Entropy Scores are inversely related to Employee Engagement

By learning how to address the Cultural entropy scores, and meeting the needs of their direct reports, leaders and managers, greatly increase employee engagement. Jasrin and her team, will work with your leaders,  on implementing processes that will increase employee engagement, and help your organizational culture thrive.

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