Find out how Life Coaching can help you
Get in touch for in person and online life coaching services in Singapore
Things seems confusing and overwhelming, till the light of clarity shines through - Relax, it’s not that complicated !
Life Coach Jasrin Singh aims at assisting you in understanding yourself better. The focus of the coaching engagement is around building, what she terms as authentic self-esteem - by establishing congruence between the ‘ideal self’ and ‘real self’.Working with her will
help you understand what is your unique blueprint, and how to live in alignment with that.
Clients can expect to reclaim the life they were truly destined to live - using expanded self-
awareness, and tapping into the deep reservoirs of potential lying latent, within . The
purpose of her Life Coaching is to ensure you willingly and happily take full responsibility
for your life, understand the workings of your own mind and emotions, and use that to
work towards the kind of life you truly want and deserve.
Benefits of Coaching for an Individual &
Difference b/w Executive Coaching and Life Coaching
Jasrin has developed a unique Coaching methodology for her clients, taking away the
complexity in a Coaching engagement. Using day to day experiences in her client’s
life, Jasrin has the capacity to unlock her clients, and lead them through a transformation,
with ease.What will you discover in Life Coaching?
# Truths about yourself
Based on where you are currently in life, Jasrin will help you understand your true-to-self ambitions and desires. You will discover with more clarity your wants and needs, s, your happiness quotient, your primary purpose in life and your existing self-image and levels of self-esteem.
# Factors blocking your growth
You would discover how your thoughts, and emotions may have been creating road blocks towards achieving your bliss. You will explore your empowering and disempowering belief systems, social, familial and / or religious conditioning along with the traumas you may have suppressed in your mental and emotional body.
# Hidden potential of improvement
You will be pleasantly surprised to find what you are capable of at this stage. You will know how to bring about transformation in any area of your life, that is not going well. You will explore what needs to heal in order for you to have a truly fulfilling and joyful life. You will also touch upon your relationships, the kind you have and the kind you would like to have. You will learn to use specially created tools by Jasrin, to release and transform all that no longer serves you.
How will Life Coaching help you?

Your natural charisma
Through Jasrin’s undying focus on building your authentic self-esteem, you will expand your self-awareness and discover your unique blueprint. You will begin to achieve greater success in all the areas of your life. You will realize your true purpose in life and know how to use your values and strengths in a constructive manner. You would unlock your natural charisma.
Tools to work with for the rest of your life.
You will have very specific tools, structures and methodologies to make the right decisions, and establish healthy boundaries, personally and professionally. Using your values, personality preferences, and strengths, you will learn how to navigate through life, in a simple, clear and empowered manner.
Fulfilling relationships
At the end of your coaching period, you would have a better clarity about the relationships that make you and those that have broken you. You would know how to nurture inter- personal relationships so as to bring about fulfillment. You would be able to attract the right partner or edify your existing partner for better co-existence.
Peace of mind as a habit
One of the greatest things about Jasrin’s style of coaching is that she aims at making your completely self-dependent. Of course she would be around for any help or advice but you would now be more confident about inculcating an environment that leads to harmony. You would experience greater joy. Peace of mind would become a habit not just a temporary state of mind.Newsletter Signup
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