Building Cultures that Thrive
The culture of an organization defines what the organization stands for. The culture cannot be aped, it can only be developed.
For many organizations, culture is an abstract concept that’s hard to measure or steer. In reality, the opposite is true. There are organizations that have successfully inculcated vibrant cultures driven by values and strengths.These organizations have excellent clarity about their mission and vision because their values align with their goals and they know how to tap talent correctly.
Culture Transformation Coach Jasrin Singh and her team seek to help organizations develop vibrant cultures that display high levels of values alignment and have low Cultural Entropy® scores.
Jasrin and her team aim at facilitating a powerful culture that engages and empowers employees, inspires them to release their discretionary energy, and makes customers come back for more.
Using powerful Cultural Transformation Tools, the team measures and maps your culture and inspires your workforce to build productive habits of transformation.
Leaders in Building Organizational Culture and Values, Singapore
Jasrin and her team understand that vibrant cultures cannot be developed unless the leaders care about the well-being of their employees. Her team works closely with the organizational leadership team and helps them identify actionable insights into the employees’ strengths and well-being and how leaders can lead by example by living the values they are aiming at.How will your organization transform? 4 steps

Using powerful cultural assessment tools, we will deliver measurable real data on your
culture, making the intangible tangible. You will be able to identify your greatest strengths,
areas of improvement, alignment and misalignment, and find out your levels of Cultural
and Leadership Entropy.

Leadership and Management Alignment
The Culture of an Organization is defined by the values, strengths and vision of its leaders.
The transformation of an organizational culture begins with the internal transformation
and alignment of its leaders. Jasrin and her team, provide excellent data driven,
performance enhancing Coaching services. When leaders make values or strengths driven
transformation, a priority, the cultural evolution is quicker and easier.

Implementation of New Culture – Welcoming Change
For different results, you will have to do things differently. Cultural transformation requires an overhaul in the way the organization is run, including processes and performance management tools. This requires internal communication of a shared vision, understanding of why the change is required, and a team of culture champions across the organization. Jasrin and her team will support you through this entire process, to ensure that you have all the structures in place to take this forward on your own.

Reassess, assimilate, Integrate
After the initial cultural transformation has taken place, we need to re-measure it in a period of about 1-2 years after initial assessment and implementation. We will find out what the impact of change initiative has been, where we are at, and take of care of things that might have been ignored or forgotten the first time around. Most importantly we establish the new normal.
What’s your most pressing
Cultural Transformation
need today?
Values Driven Cultures
It has now been universally accepted that values-driven organizations are the most successful in the world. Organizations generally focus on outputs and outcomes. But deep beneath these results are values and beliefs of individual employees, leaders and managers. Put this in the context of our ever-changing and ever-turbulent corporate world. It’s the values that would become a major source of both coherence and survival. When you have a clarity on these values, you are able to inculcate a powerful culture. Under the Values Driven Cultures Coaching, Jasrin and her team take your organization through a process of value shaping where they help you map and manage these values.Strengths Driven Cultures
Employees perform better and are happier if they feel that their organization truly cares. If you have millennial workers, most likely three out of every 10 is facing a burn-out. In order to deal with this situation, you need empathetic leadership and the alignment of employees’ personal goals and strengths with that of the overall organizational goals. Jasrin and her team will take your organization through a step-by-step Strengths Driven Coaching where your leaders and managers will learn to motivate your employees in a stress-free environment. Your employees will discover, inculcate and utilize their talents for greater productivity.Values and Strength Driven Cultures
Through a very unique methodology, Jasrin seeks to facilitate Cultural Transformation by integrating values and strengths within organizations. This integrated coaching helps organizations develop a complete eco-system and become truly independent when it comes to inculcation of the right values and culture. The team has developed a set of tools that help you identify the right kind of values as well as talent and embark on a journey of values and strengths alignment.
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