Thrive not just survive in your relationship
Is it time to renew and re-energize your relationship?
(Relationship Coaching prices start at SGD 350 / 1.5 Hrs)
Let’s face it – relationships are hard work, even when there is tremendous love between two people. This is because the complexities and subtleties of relationships are immense.
If any of the following define you, then relationship coaching may be right for you:a) Seeking to improve or recharge your current relationship
b) Would like to find and be adequately prepared to welcome a new and healthy relationship
c) Would like to make a decision about leaving or staying
d) Want to find a way to exit a relationship peacefully
I felt deeply called to create my own methodology and practice around Relationship Coaching and Mediation.
I have seen so much unnecessary suffering in relationships, and most of that comes about because of a lack of awareness, of our own self and needs, unmet expectations spoken and unspoken, as well as a lack of understanding and empathy for the needs and expectations of our partner.Relationship Coaching is for both Singles and Couples. It is extremely beneficial, if you are seeking an ideal relationship, and want to know how to attract the right partner for yourself. Or, if you are wanting to improve the status of your current relationship, improve communication flow, have greater intimacy and learn to resolve conflict peacefully.
Process and Structure of Relationship Coaching

Oral + Written assessments of relationship

Individual sessions with each party

Interventions for specific problems, and creating a new way of relating

Supporting the new relationship
Topics we will cover in Relationship Coaching
- Written and Oral assessments for establishing needs and context
- Exploring Trust and Commitment – foundations of a healthy relationship
- Building love maps – becoming aware of each others world
- Emotional intimacy – sharing fondness and admiration
- Learning to accept bids for connection from your partner
- Friendship as a foundation for a healthy partnership
- Managing conflict in a relationship
- Differentiate between resolvable and perpetual problems
- Learning to dialogue instead of argue
- Practice self soothing and taking healthy breaks
- Helping your partners life dreams come true
- Establishing a higher purpose for your relationship
Benefits of Relationship Coaching
Renewal of energy and purpose of the relationship
Each relationship goes through a phase of tiredness and boredom. With relationship coaching, you will be able to re energize the relationship, and regain curiosity and excitement about your partner and the future of the relationshipOpen communication flow
Healthy communication is the very core of a healthy relationship. During our coaching sessions we will learn both individually and collectively, to communicate our needs to our partners, and express calmly when we are distressed and in need of support and help.Living as an empowered individual with loving kindness for self and your partner
Learn how to set healthy boundaries and allow space to yourself and your partner. Understand the difference and need for loving yourself, vs loving the other, and receiving love from the other. Being comfortable being on your own and therefore enjoy time with your partner even more.
Learn to meet the needs of your own inner child and support your partner’s inner child
Each party’s inner child holds the key to a healthy relationship. Differentiate between the needs and desires of the inner child vs adult self. Learn to prevent the inner child sabotaging the relationship with tantrums and anger.
This offering is for couples that are going through a separation or divorce and would like to come to terms about their separation without too much legal intervention.
Having been through a divorce myself, where children were involved, I can now look back and see how many mistakes I made in the process, even though I took the mediation route. However, given the wisdom I have today, I could have handled it all much better, and alleviated a lot of the suffering that I put upon myself and others in the process.Often divorce and separation can bring out the worst in people. Anger, rage, a desire to seek revenge, sadness, grief can make us impotent, unable to see reason, and end up making decisions that turn out to be harmful for our own selves, as well as our children. The emotional strain and trauma that all parties suffer can have long lasting effects on the adults and children involved. Mediation is one of the most effective ways to resolve disputes and make the separation process, kind and loving to all parties involved. If the adults can be mindful and conscious, they can spare their children the harm that would be done to them, if they see their parents fighting relentlessly.
Nothing breaks the children more than seeing the two people they love so much, hate each other. So if you are just starting out, or in the middle of a separation, which has drained you much already, I highly recommend coming for an informal mediation session, to settle things before seeing a lawyer.

Benefits of Mediation
- Finding a peaceful and mindful way to separate for conscious decoupling
- Reduce the levels of anger, hate, acrimony and positionality
- Reduce levels of potential emotional damage to all parties involved including the children
- Maintain your sanity and take care of you and your children needs
- Reduce legal costs
- Reduce trauma and drama
- Transmute the karmic baggage between the parties by attempting to forgive and let go
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